Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group Response to Melton Local Plan Emerging Options (Draft)

The Bottesford Parish Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group has submitted the attached response to the Melton Local Plan Emerging Options (Draft) document.
The response is based on the work undertaken over the last two years which includes:
  • Support on the process from Leicestershire Rural Community Council
  • Consultation with parish residents, stakeholders, and a project to seek the views of pupils at Belvoir High School and Bottesford Junior School.
  • Professional planning advice from Melton Borough Council, Design Council/CABE and Midland Rural Housing
  • Presentations from the Environmental Agency and specialist advice from Hamilton-Baillie
  • Presentations from )andowners and developers on sites put forward for possible housing or employment development.
Bottesford Parish Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group

Rectory Farm Workshop Meeting 5 April 7pm VC Hall

Following a selection process by Melton Borough Council the site of Rectory Farm has been designated a potential option in the Melton Local Plan Emerging Options (Draft) document.

We are fully aware that there may be some concerns over this in terms of sheer size, traffic, loss of view etc and the Agents for the scheme have offered a series of workshops to plan the development and to see how the impact on existing residents can be minimised. The workshops will be facilitated by Stefan Kruckowski, a lecturer at Notts-Trent University and a leading figure in his field.

The Bottesford Parish Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group fully support this move as it provides the best opportunity for the residents and the Steering Group to have a real impact on the master plan for the development. The scheme is in its very early stages so you can influence the design and layout.

There will be seven workshops, which will start in mid April and residents are invited along to the V C Hall on the Tuesday 5th April at 7pm to ask questions and for attendees to select delegates to attend these workshops to represent their neighbours.

The workshop dates are still to be decided but we will have a draft program by the 5th April.

All very welcome.

Thank you.

Richard Simon. Secretary BPNP Steering Committee

Rectory Farm -Workshops contentWorkshops notice -Rectory Farm Development

Melton Local Plan – Emerging Options

Just a reminder that you can review the draft local-plan drawn up by Melton Borough Council,  tomorrow Tuesday 23 February in the Old School, Bottesford from 2.30pm until 7pm.
Bottesford’s Neighbourhood Plan is a separate document to this, but the two documents are being developed in parallel, and will be closely aligned.
So please come along and have a chat with Melton’s planning team.

Meeting 25 Feb 2016. 7.30pm. Old School Rooms, Bottesford

Please find attached the agenda for the above meeting.
You will see that we have two presentations, both updates of schemes we have seen before. For the Rectory Farm development, we will be looking at suitable dates for the weekly workshops. So for those interested in attending, please bring your diaries.
Richard Simon
Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group